Delaware Statewide First/Final Mile Network Study

About the Study

This study is designed develop a comprehensive statewide first/final mile roadway inventory to help further an understanding of the locations, their roles in the overall transportation system, and develop better transportation and land use practices to address first/final mile facilities in the State of Delaware.

Project Deliverables

Project Focus Group Meeting and Materials

Focus Group Meeting #2 (June 2021): 
The Project team shared an updated inventory of first/final mile connectons based on stakeholder feedback and institutional needs and issues that affect improvements to these.

Focus Group Meeting #1 (January 2021): 
The Project team introduced the definition of first/final mile connections and efforts in developing a draft network for dicsussion.

What is a First/Final Mile Road Network???

First/final mile roadways are critical elements of the freight transportation system because they link freight facilities with major corridors for regional and inter-state travel such as I-95, and US-13. Since first/final mile roadways serve as connectors to major corridors, they are often very short road segments along lower functionally-classified routes that also support multiple users including passenger vehicles, bicycles, and pedestrians, and may not have been designed to easily accommodate truck traffic.

Some commonly-observed problems on first/final mile routes across the US and Delaware include:

        Mobility Concerns          Safety Concerns        Road Conditions        Land Use Conflicts
  • Tight turns, tight lanes, low-clearance bridges, narrow shoulders
  • Railroad crossings with poor clearance/geometry for trailers
  • Circuitous (non-direct) routes to reach freight facilities from major highways
  • Prior truck-involved crashes
  • Complaints about speeding, running stop signs, etc.
  • Poor sight lines at intersections
  • Overlap with major pedestrian crossings, sidewalks, or bicycle facilities
  • Connections with poor pavement quality or bridge condition
  • Connections where heavy truck traffic is  contributing to degradation of pavement or bridge condition, or infrastructure was not designed to handle weight of trucks
  • Prior complaints about noise or vibrations
  • Prior complaints about air emissions
  • Corridor intersection with residential areas
  • Corridor adjacent to schools, hospitals,  parks, etc…
  • Corridor intersection with identified EJ areas


How important are they to our economy?

The first/final mile freight network is among the most misunderstood portions of transportation networks, even among industry professionals.  Overall, these facilities are often lower functionally classified routes (i.e local or collectors) on which freight/passenger vehicle conflicts are more visible and a negative public perception of truck traffic may be much greater. These locations also tend to be near residential areas, so they can create a conflict between freight mobility and other users of the transportation system. These types conflicts can negatively impact the safe and efficient movement of freight.

Other Freight Links

Sign up for Project Updates!

  • We welcome your feedback!  If you have questions or comments or would like to sign up for project email updates, please email Randi Novakoff at
  • For any questions or comments, please email the project manager Dan Blevins at