Churchman’s Crossing 

Since the adoption of the full plan in 2022, the Churchman’s Crossing Monitoring Committee (CCMC) was formed in 2022 with the purpose to help guide and fulfill the recommendations of the Plan. The Annual Monitoring Report is a summary of transportation and land use conditions and changes within the Churchman’s Crossing study area, developed by the project partners: WILMAPCO, DelDOT, DTC, and New Castle County Department of Land Use, in support of and coordination with the CCMC.

View the 2023 Churchman’s Crossing Monitoring Report (Storymap)
2023 Newsletters   (Spring 2023)    (Summer 2023)
2024 Newsletter (Summer 2024)
Recent Churchman’s Crossing Monitoring Committee Events & Meetings
 Committee  Meeting Date Presentations & Meeting Recordings Other Meeting Materials
5/15/24 Public Workshop
April 10, 2024
 February 28, 2024
October 25, 2023
May 24, 2023
April 19, 2023 Public Workshop
March 22, 2023
November 16, 2022

Churchman’s Crossing Plan Update

WILMAPCO, DelDOT, and New Castle County Department of Land Use have developed a comprehensive update to the 1997 Churchman’s Crossing Plan.  Details of the 1997 Plan and subsequent monitoring efforts can be found below.  The current Churchman’s Crossing Plan Update includes new recommendations for transportation improvements, land use strategies, and transportation demand management (TDM) strategies.  After a year-long process, the Churchman’s Crossing Plan Update was adopted by WILMAPCO’s Council on January 13, 2022.

Churchman’s Crossing Plan Update (2022) – Full Document and Appendicies
Churchman’s Crossing Plan Update Final Report  Interactive Map of Recommended Improvements
Appendix A: Planning & Environmental Linkages (PEL) Checklist Appendix E: Scenario Planning Summary
Appendix B: Intersection Turning Movement Forecasts Appendix F: Project Cost Estimates
Appendix C: Intersection Critical Movement Summation  Analysis Appendix G: TID Strategic Plan 
Appendix D: Stakeholder and Public Engagement  Appendix H: Summary of Public Comments

Plan Update Public Outreach Efforts 

Public outreach for this project was conducted over the course of the development of the plan, including elected officials (state and local), members of the business and development community, community and civic leaders, environmental advocates, and other institutional leaders, and one-one-one and small group interviews.

  Workshop Meeting Date Presentations & Meeting Recordings Other Meeting Materials
October 25, 2021  Public Workshop #4
September 27, 2021 – Advisory Committee Meeting #3
June 23, 2021  Public Workshop #3

May 3, 2021 – Advisory Committee Meeting #2
March 12, 2021 –Environmental Resource Agency Meeting
March 3, 2021  Public Workshop #2
December 2, 2020 – Advisory Committee Meeting #1  
September 16, 2020 – Public Workshop #1

Previous Plans and Monitoring Documents