WILMAPCO Demographic Projections

Current Population by County 2020-2050

County  2020 2050  Change
New Castle 570,719 592,567 21,848
Cecil 103,100 138,440 35,340
Total 673,819 731,007 57,188

Current Employment by County 2020-2050

County  2020 2050  Change
New Castle 277,832 284,359 6,527
Cecil 44,479 59,000 14,521
Total 322,311 343,359 21,048

* Sources Delaware Population Consortium, Maryland Department of Planning

Recent WILMAPCO Presentation Materials on Demographic Forecast Development

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Data Downloads

State of Delaware Projetions by Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ)- 2022 Update Zipped Shapefile 
Cecil County Projections by Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) – 2022 Update Zipped Shapefile
Delaware Municipal Population Projections 2020-2050 Excel
Delaware Seasonal Population Estimates by County 2020-2050 Excel

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